Author: Adam

I'm an illustrator, animator, visual storyteller, and all-around creative guy.
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Mirimantis Design

Introducing my new Design and Fabrication studio: Mirimantis, LLC. Over the next few months I’ll be moving…

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Asoleyo Solar Tile

This was a fun project to work on. I designed these decorative solar tiles, for a submission…

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Introducing Mandala Mantis

I’ve been doing a lot of pattern design. I didn’t want to overwhelm this site with it,…

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Radial Symmetry

I had some fun messing with symmetry and rotation to create some mandalas. [singlepic id=104 w= h=…

Turtle Crossing Reviews

Turtle Crossing, my animated, interactive storybook app, is out, and gaining rave reviews! Check out this glowing…

Turtle Crossing

It’s finally happening! Friends, family, and fans, the day has come that you’ve heard me go on…

Emma Lesko Talks Diversity and Inclusion with Geek Club Booksl

My friend Emma Lesko talks to Geek Club Books about Super Lexi, and the importance of diversity…

Blog Tour – My Illustration Process

Welcome, everyone who might be visiting for the first time from Meg Sodano’s blog; I was super…

Next Week: Blog tour!

I’ve been invited by the talented Meg Sodano to join an Illustration blog tour! Her post from the…

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Rocket Ship Sketches

I’m having fun sketching rocket ships for a science fiction board game called “Planet 313” for Roll For Surprise…