Category: Sketchbook

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Radial Symmetry

I had some fun messing with symmetry and rotation to create some mandalas. [singlepic id=104 w= h=…

Blog Tour – My Illustration Process

Welcome, everyone who might be visiting for the first time from Meg Sodano’s blog; I was super…

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Rocket Ship Sketches

I’m having fun sketching rocket ships for a science fiction board game called “Planet 313” for Roll For Surprise…

Surprise Raccoon

 [singlepic id=73 w=600 h=450 float=center]  A couple of unrelated pencil sketches from one of my old sketchbooks….


Trying to get out of a creative funk, I did some sketches of my son splashing in…

Angry Bird, WinsorBucks

Here’s a classic from the archives, a two-page spread from a sketchbook circa 2005. [singlepic id=62 w=600…

Double Take

I drew these two images  separately and they were not really intended to go together, but looking…

Fuzzball Anatomy

This is a popular favorite from my sketchbook circa 2007. It’s important to understand skeletal and muscular…


Not really a Christmas-style elf though. Scanned from an old notebook and colored in Photoshop. [singlepic id=36…

Cartwheel in 3…2…1…

One from the sketchbook. I like the sense of motion, and the way the girl’s body divides…